BEECH Preventative Measures for COVID-19
He who rescued us from so deadly a peril will continue to rescue us,
on him we have set our hope that he will rescue us again. 2 Corinthians 1:10
Steps we are taking to Keep you Safe: In order to keep our Community running through the pandemic in the safest manner possible, we have put in place measures and policies to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19. The following preventative measures will be implemented beginning September 4, 2020.
1. Virtual field trips will be offered as well as in-person activities.
2. Face Masks will be required at all in-person Activities, indoors or outdoors, for the duration of the activity.
3. Members will be required to Maintain 6 feet of social distance with non-household members at in-person activities. No handshaking or unnecessary person to person direct contact with non-household members.
4. Members are required to screen their family for signs and symptoms of COVID-19 before attending an in-person activity and to stay home if they have any COVID-19 signs and symptoms.
5. Members are required to stay home if they are awaiting COVID-19 test results, if they have tested positive for COVID-19, or if they have been exposed to someone who is being tested for or who has tested positive for COVID-19.
6. Members are required to screen themselves and their family members for fever or chills before attending an activity. If their temperature is over 99.6 F or they have chills they are to stay home and not attend the activity.
7. Encourage frequent hand washing and use of hand sanitizer. Members are requested to carry hand sanitizer with them. Due to shortages, counterfeit products, possible member allergies and the risk of sharing supplies; BEECH is unable to supply hand sanitizer to our members.
8. BEECH does not own or control venues where activities will take place. Members are encouraged to bring their own cleaning supplies to sanitize the area that they will be playing, working, or sitting if they would like. Due to shortages, counterfeit products, possible member allergies, and the risk of sharing supplies, BEECH is unable to supply cleaning supplies to our members.
9. In-person Activities will not be offered for the week of a Major holiday and the 2 week period after any High Travel Holiday Week. However, Virtual activities can take place during these weeks. Weeks that will not include In-Person Activities are:
A. Labor Day - Sept. 5th through Sept 27th
B. Thanksgiving - Nov 21st through Dec 13th
C. Christmas/New Year - Dec 24th through Jan 17th
D. President's Day - Feb 12th through March 6th
E. Easter - April 4th through April 25th
F. Memorial Day - May 29th to June 20th
G. Independence Day - July 3rd - July 24th
10. No Large Events. Sadly, this affects many of our beloved BEECH Community events, esp. those normally held in the fall and winter. We will bring these events back as soon as COVID-19 regulations allow and it is safe and feasible to do so.
11. No in-person planning meetings - virtual only.
12. Service areas will be suspended for the year, with the exception of accounting and age team leadership, until such time as we can offer large events again.
13. Attendance at all in-person activities is optional for all members.
14. Max attendance for any Activity is no more than 45 including adults and children. Most in-person activities will be kept to a max of 25-35. If there is a high demand for an activity beyond its capacity we will do our best to schedule a second day.
15. No Food at Events. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, we will not serve food at any Activity.
16. Due to liability and the necessity of removing masks to eat, NO BEECH activity will include food. This includes, but is not limited to NO group breakfasts, lunches, snacks or dinners.
A. Field trips and other activities will Officially end BEFORE lunch no later than NOON or they will Officially BEGIN AFTER Lunch no earlier than 1 p.m.
B. If you need to eat or drink while at a BEECH Activity, we ask that you please return to your car or at least step 50 feet away from the group while doing so, and then rejoin us. Please do not remove your mask near other Beech families to eat or drink something.
C. Otherwise, we ask that you please eat and drink with your own family prior to or after the BEECH Activity. Many venues have mask mandates and will not allow food or drink.
17. When scheduling in-person field trips we have done our best to keep things as safe as possible and have requested field trip activities with:
A, COVID-19 sanitation and disinfection measures in place at the venue
B. The ability to social distance and/or divide the attendees into smaller groups/cohorts
C. Staff wearing masks
D. Activities where children will not have to share supplies
E. Limited activities with high touch tasks and appropriate disinfection between children
18. Most venues are requiring us to pay ahead due to COVID-19. If you fail to cancel your sign-up on the calendar before the activity/event registration closes you WILL be responsible for paying your registration - even if you haven't yet paid - regardless of whether or not you attend the activity. If BEECH paid the venue for you because you registered - then you will have to pay BEECH. There are NO REFUNDS after registration closes. You must be responsible and cancel prior to registration closing if you aren't planning to attend.
19. Each venue has its own COVID-19 plan. When attending BEECH Activities at these venues, members will be expected to abide by the rules of the venue - many of which may have stricter protocols that may include, but are not limited to parents waiting in their cars while children participate or temperature and health screens upon arrival. Members are responsible for making themselves familiar with the venue's COVID-19 plans. However, if BEECH's requirements are stricter we require that you follow our protocols - for example, we require masks both indoors and outside, regardless of the venue's policy.
20. In-person activities will take place outdoors as much as possible.
21. Any activities involving crafts will include individual prepackaged craft packets. Supplies at BEECH craft activities should NOT be shared. The craft packets should contain everything you need to make the craft. However, we do recommend that BEECH members have a family craft pack to bring to craft activities that includes, but is not limited to: Elmer's glue, glue sticks, glue dots, scotch tape, stapler, ruler, sharpie, crayons, colored pencils and scissors.
22. Very high risk or medically fragile members or those caring for very high risk or medically fragile family members are encouraged to participate in our Virtual Activities if you are concerned about the risk involved with in-person activities.
23. BEECH COVID-19 policies or Activities may change throughout the year based on local, state, and federal regulations, emergency orders or laws, or under the advice of the GA Dept of Health, CDC or other health agency, or under the discretion of the BEECH Board.
We are doing everything that we can to have a successful and safe year with plenty of fun for our families. We know that things will look different this year and hope and pray that things will return to "normal" in the near future. In the meantime, if all of us adhere to and follow the COVID-19 plan and policies we have a much better chance at being successful and being able to maintain in-person activities for the year.
Please remember that we are a Community and our choices could collectively impact everyone that belongs to BEECH. It is essential that BEECH Members, their children, and family fulfill their responsibilities within the entire BEECH COVID-19 plan.
By clicking "YES, I/We agree and understand" below, my spouse and I are digitally signing this form and giving our acknowledgment that I/we understand and agree to the aforementioned BEECH Preventative measures and agree that I/we, our children and family members will adhere to the above policies, procedures, responsibilities, and requirements of the entire BEECH COVID-19 Plan including its preventative measures, health and safety standards, face mask policy and notification/quarantine exposure procedures.
God is our refuge and our strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1 |